It is a phrase used in the pick up community refering to a series of events which induce jealousy in woman, mostly directed at the 'target' of the 'pick up', which usually happens to be the most attractive woman in the group.
The jealousy plotline,plotline, plotlineexplained

Man(talking to two women of, 1 of them is more attractive thus she is the 'target)',we name her girl A, girl B is her less attractive friend):
Hey, you know what ?! I bet you're a terrible hugger!To girl B Proceeds to hug girl B.
Girl A observes and gets jealous thus her emotional state changes from neutral to hightened attraction due to the jealousy created by the lack of attention given to her. Her friend girl B is getting the attention she craves, so she becomes jealous.
by Hennessy_88 December 15, 2008
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