when you eat a pizza so hot that you begin to breath rapidly through your mouth with the pizza cheese fused to the top of your mouth, trying to tame the burning sensation erupting on the roof for your mouth, and inadvertenly making noises like you are ahving an orgasm.
i didnt know what was going on in the other room when i heard janis making that noise, untill i opened the door only to find that she was just having a pizzagasm
by Vanessa November 26, 2004
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The overwhelming joy one feels when seeing a fresh pizza pulled from the oven, or delivered. Often accompanied by an audible "ahhh".
I made a Chef Boyardee pizza for my girlfriend last night. She had a pizzagasm when I pulled it out of the oven. I knew I was in for a 'gasm of my own later in the night.
by Spilopleura April 25, 2009
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