A coon that syphons fuel to sniff it to get high the kills there brain cells
Hey cuz that fuel we where sniffing was prime shit , petrol sniffer someone that takes in on the act of sniffing petrol tho get the high side effects.
by robster351 April 7, 2017
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Another name for a blackfella or Aboriginal (or similar term) - so-called after their regular hobby of the inhalation of petrol (or gasoline).
D'ya see 'em petrol sniffers near Darwin yesday?
by OzzieWanker85 April 22, 2020
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Someone (usually teenage girl) who does’nt have a vehicle of there own and instead is obsessed with someone else’s vehicle
Petrol sniffers always use (boy racers) for there cars
by P4DL0CK June 12, 2018
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