A higher level traitor, This guy will repeatedly break rules you set in place and will fight a loosing battle if he thinks it will make him look good. He also simps for women and will break very specific rules just to get in her friend book only to be friendzoned afterwards. He will also defend his actions of simping by calling those who have called him out on it sexist.
Person 1: Hey guymann just invited (girl who should not be in server) to our server again
Person 2: What the actual fuck you fucking perpatrator off with your fucking head you dumb shit.
guymann: yall are just sexist
by Dr. Emiele vaxximama July 9, 2020
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Perpatrator a person or alien hybrid that is usually up to no good in the community. Perpatrators keep it real with other perpatrators. They usually commit crimes (they call it "purping") in the darkest hours of the night and never get seen. They make mad stacks and hustle hard day&night.

Perpatrators; perp ; peprping ;
Hey _____ , wanna go (perping) tonight?

I heard the "perpatrators" are out tonight, hide your kids , and lock your cars!!
by Perpatrator666 August 27, 2016
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Kelley was perpatrating. perping when she silently devised a plan to prank her friend.
by cuesta87 October 25, 2013
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a naked jealous female that interrupts mutual strokage and wants to join in on the action
My fucking naked friend Sandy interupted me and Gary performing meat curtain bangage, so therefore she is a butt naked perpatrating hoe
by Rayford Legions February 27, 2008
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