“ unique “ under age unfunny and posts stupid shit that is about how this kid at your school is gay or your gf/bf
People on the urban dictionary are fucking obnoxious
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A definition that's extremely ironic because it not only is defining what urban dictionary is, but usually doing so in a fucked up fashion. But those are usually the good ones.

Most definitions for urban dictionary in urban dictionary define this platform as a "great idea but overrun by losers who constantly complain about their own personal problems or political issues"

The people who make these definitions fail to realize that they too are just complaining about something they have a Problem with.
Person 1: oh hey man! You been on urban dictionary?
Person 2: no, I'm not a loser.
Person 1: oh, yeah that's right.
Person 1 well anyways, don't you just hate when people use this platform to vent about things that bother them? It's SOOOOOOO annoying.
Person 2: oh Jesus. Don't be one of those people who define urban dictionary
by A large metal plate October 2, 2017
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Person 1: "Howdy-do, another beautiful day!
Urban Dictionary Creator: "Take em' away boys. He knows too much.
A random stranger: THINK ABOUT IT PERSON 1! Do you remember what you ate yesterday? Who is your mom? Why is your name "Person 1"? CAN YOU EVEN SEE ME RIGHT NOW?! You have to help me! help us esca-"
Urban dictionary creator: You don't believe anything he said down there, do ya?
Person 1: um... uh... nope!
Urban dictionary creator: good.
Person 1: "Wait. What's gonna happen now? am I going to die? Am I going to be erased from the universe forever? NO PLEASE! HELP ME ! HELP-

Dear urban dictionary editors: Please let this story of People in an Urban Dictionary description through. I spent 30 mins on it. By the way, your hair is looking very nice today! And that outfit too! very niiiiiiice!
by TheGirlWhoGossipsInTheCorner August 23, 2022
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