"Peeps (P's) in da hole!" customer buying dope
Security worker on the dope spot hollas to the pack worker "Peeps in da hole!" to let him know he got a customer heading to him
by Ausf_G March 20, 2019
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A shirt or tank top with a large hole in the side exposing a disgustingly huge fat roll extending from the titty around to the back.
Mark: Dude, did you just see that side-titty-roll peep hole on that girl?

David: Oh my god. I just threw up in my mouth a little.
by pound cake napoleon March 1, 2011
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A sort-of tease performed by a drunken girl when interacting with a boy. She does things such as dance floor make outs and walking away without a goodbye. Some find these actions frustrating, cold-hearted and bitchy but really the girl is just strong-willed and independent.
OMG, did you see her peep the hole last night with the pledge at Sigma Chi? It was awesome! She totally just walked away after making out with him for like an hour. So empowering.
by cgb35 February 28, 2016
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