Or podium? I don't know... You know what I mean. Ok, definition time pedestal: This is right < That means this < Which translates (roughly) to
Hym "This is a reasoning tool I like to call 'Hym's Pedestal.' It posits that: if this is that, then that means this, which means what you said translates to that."

Iam "You saw that too? Damn I always allude to it before I articulate it and then you guys reference it before I get the chance and then you think I'm referencing the reference but really I had it articulated BEFORE you said it but it was in the queue and I didn't get to it. And now you think I didn't think of it first. And I did. Damn."

Hym "Yessir! We got them good brains, baby!"
by Hym Iam July 26, 2022
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