Wearing a pearl necklace as a women is standard but as a man it’s a sign of strength and integrity in recent times some parents have decided they know better and call it gay but this is wrong and Loui low you are silly
by Marklow January 18, 2023
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Meaning of the Atlanta Braves wearing pearl necklaces
Why are the Atlanta braves wearing pearl necklaces?
by Bjbo November 3, 2021
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Pearl necklaces or wearing a pearl necklace over regular clothes was a popular code/way for gay men in the club scene to identity “fisties” or other gay men who enjoyed being fisted, specially being at the receiving end of the sexual act. This is where many popular phrases such as “clutching my pearls” came from as this referenced the immense amount of pleasure felt by the fistie, while being fisted. Hence they would “clutch their pearls”. Different colors and sizes of pearls were used to represent specifics, as well as charms on the necklaces. The trend was popular in the underground gay club scene in the 70s and 80s but has since died out.
“Woah brads wearing a pearl necklace...I didn’t know he was a fistie!”
by Captainnoodles21 April 19, 2021
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When your girl has tonsil stones, sucks your soul out of your body, and coughs all that shit back up on your stomach.
by CitrusCountyDude December 11, 2019
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