1. total hottie/sexy
2. ugly person
3. a lot of fat/blubber
4. no fat/meat
5. a "bleep" word
6. a pile of crap
7. muscular/strong
8. anything to replace a word
9. a disease when your way to hot.
1. Robert is such a papuga.
2. Ewwwww, hes papuga.
3. Can he have any more papugii?
4. He has no papugii on his bones.
5. PAPUGA!!!
6. OMG you stepped in papuga!
7. Now he is papugalar
8. You papuga.
9. Robert has papuganightass
by Christina K. Magee February 6, 2008
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Verrrrrrryyyyyyy sexxyyyyyyyyy sureneme everyone thinks it’s class because it is #welovepapugas
Wow her surename is papuga (not some ewww he’s papuga) x
by Sexxzyyy July 15, 2018
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