noun. A combination of "fuck" and "shit" used by the Filipino community used in stressful or frustrating situations, albeit in a mild-mannered and sometimes humorous way.
Why isn't this page loading? PAKSHET!

Why you cut the line in front of me? PAKSHET NAMAN YOU!
by theflyingipis October 15, 2011
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Filipino corruption of "fucking shit!" Filipinos pronounce their "F"s as "P"s and tend to abbreviate words, hence "pakshet"
Nephew: "Tito Boy, we are out of beer!"
Drunk Uncle: "Pakshet! Go get more!"
by hellawhitepnoy April 21, 2009
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a filipino swear word that everyone basically uses in text when they get mad or annoyed
are u serious? pakshet
by STREWBERRI JAM August 12, 2020
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A tagalog word that means very nice. Lots of titos and titas will say it describing how great they feel.
"Pakshet, ito ay tae" Meaning- "Very nice, this is nice"
"Pakshet, sobrang pangit na kayo" Meaning- "Very nice, you look very good"
by sumguy2323 June 20, 2022
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