1. On Facebook, when one posts status messages constantly or simply too many times throughout the day.

2. Posting too much information or information that is extremely personal or completely irrelevant on Facebook status messages.
She must really have no life, she is such an over-poster!
by Jenn2 September 8, 2010
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Over 9000 is a term used to express a great amount of skill, strength, speed, etc. The term originated from the anime show Dragonball Z when Nappa asks Vegeta what his scouter ( a device used in Dragonball to measure the power level, or battle strength, of someone) said about Goku's power level. Vegeta's scouter was designed to pick up a power level up to 9000 whereas Goku's power level was "over 9000" which was what he told Nappa.
*Goku shows up*
Nappa: Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his power level?
Vegeta: It's over 9000!!!!!
*Vegeta removes and crushes scouter*
Nappa: What, 9000?! There's no way that can be right!
by :) epicsauce May 18, 2011
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Having sex, getting your way with a lady.
Did you get a leg over yesterday evening?
= Did you score/get lucky?
by napoleon 14th November 8, 2006
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the action of falling on your knees in pain. Usually the result of being kicked in the groin.
Lenny groaned out a curse and doubled over after receiving a swift kick to the groin.
by Alden Myrerin April 4, 2005
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very happy, extremely happy
I am over the moon at this moment.
by Dali Mao December 19, 2006
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When they try to catch me riding dirty.
("siren roaring")

dude1:("turning down the sound") Damn!!! stop smokin' dude, the cops gonna pull over!
dude2: be cool dude, I got $50 bucks...
dude1: cool!
by paul_houston January 29, 2009
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When someone has been out drinking the night before and is really hungry the morning after, like a hangover but craving food
Guy one: Oh man i was hammered last night...
Guy two: Hows the hangover?
Guy one: I'm not, I'm just hungry-over....
by Jod3000 February 20, 2009
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