When you smoke more then everyone else in the session
chad: Bro I out smoked terry at the sesh last night

steve: nice
by Steamfend January 13, 2022
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big smoke: CAP YOUR ASS
big smoke: AND YOUR ASS
big smoke: YOU WANT SOME, TOO?
big smoke: ICE COLD BABY
CJ: oh man, check out "special agent big smoke"
by godEn0moto January 3, 2020
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To abandon. Wether a child and/ or, run away from responsibility.
Such as a group project.
Foxy love: "Just waiting on my dad to get home"

How long has been Dad goin' out for smokes
22 years, 8 months, 6 days

Where's Nick? He said he was goin' out for smokes and been gone all day!
by Sstav August 30, 2015
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When you get a new whip and you take it out for a smoke
Hey Dan, have you take that new Merc out for a smoke
by AllsYou’veGotToDoIs March 27, 2021
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