oonchika: the sexy noise accompanied by the sexy action of decreasing height of shoulders and knees at the same time
type in crappization on youtube and click on oonchika collection ............ enjoy!
by Blaze1800 April 11, 2011
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The sexiest noise ever.
Often accompanied with rapid movement of bending the knees and arms, as demonstrated in the youtube video "The Oonchika Collection".
Oonchika is a conversation starter and a friend maker. Merely saying oonchika to another person will cause them to say oonchika back. After a volley of oonchikas, you will engage in a friendly conversation.
A: Oonchika.
B: Oonchika.
A: Oonchika.
B: Oonchika.
A + B: Oonchika oonchika oonchika oonchika oonchika oonchika oonchika oonchika oonchika oonchika oonchika oonchika oonchika oonchika oonchika oonchika oonchika oonchika oonchika oonchika oonchika oonchika oonchika oonchika oonchika oonchika oonchika oonchika oonchika oonchika oonchika
by feecal April 26, 2011
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