To annoy someone, to give them a hard time or to be in their business.
Ex. of being on someone's back:

Girl 1 - It's too cold for you to be wearing shorts.
Girl 2 - Damn, bitch get off my back.
by Lalaloopsie17 April 5, 2014
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1. talking shit indirectly about a person (usually mean)

2. Talking shit in ear-shot, loud enough to hear, but to another person about some one.
1. A) did you hear about how much of a slut Kelly is?

B) dude shut up! You are talking behind her back!
2. Kelly and Kelsey are standing together, Hannah is a few feet away with another friend.

K) Dude, Hannah's being a bitch. She just needs to get a life and realize no one likes her.

K2) ......

H) You know i can hear you?

K) I know, that's the point, Talking behind someone's back is sooo mean
by URBANDICTIONARYADMIN1039471 January 27, 2011
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they are too lazy, and.or under the influence of swag.

they are too swagalicious to do so in which would mean they are lessening their swag-o-meter just to click on your profile and write something back.
"When someone doesnt post back on your wall on facebook.. "

girl: hey! how are you?
boy: (comments on wallpost) great, you?
girl: why dont you post back on my wall?
boy: (comments on wallpost) i have too much swag.
by boooomroasted. July 6, 2011
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