To be all over someone. Mainly girls are 'on peoples sack'.
ie.,(1)Guy 1: Dude! she's all up on your sack.
Guy 2: I know!

ie.,(2)Girl: Damn.. Look at that poor guy. That girls all up on his sack!

Girl 2: I know huh?!
by SukkaPlzYouLoveMe August 11, 2009
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Commonly refers to women, in a work environment, that overly display favoritism towards certain male associates in a pseudo sexual manner. To overtly fawn over a male associate/ be overly friendly.
John is standing at the copier. Mary and Sue go up to John and flashing their smiles openly flirt with John and make riddiculous small talk. Kathy sees this and states to Bob who also had to endure this and exclaims...Wow they are feally hanging from his sack
by The Gnasher January 3, 2011
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(v.) Occurs when selling drugs to a sketch person that you don't know, like, or care about. The seller will take out any amount for his/her own personal use and then sell the short sack to the square who probably doesn't have a scale anyway, so don't worry.
Dealer Man: "If niggas be talkin all stupid on the phone, i pinch his/her sack."

Jose:"That freshman with the hearing aid just asked me if i could get him an 8th of whacky tobbacky. Is he for real? "
Todd: "That dude looks like Mincus from Boy Meets World, you have to pinch his sack."
Jose: "Its a done deal."
by OG Rob April 5, 2010
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To have courage. To be tough. One who possess intestinal fortitude and resolve.
That cowboy has got some salt in his sack.

You got to have some salt in your sack to do that job!
by Tsunami14 February 20, 2013
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