Oddly shrugs is a amazing music artist, He is known for his musical talent. He is a great music artist who is apart of DEATHPROOF INC. He is a underground alternative music artist.
them: “Whos oddly shrugs?”
me: “A amazing underground artists!”
by theylovethorne September 10, 2022
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A person or group of people that's not like anyone else...the person may have very weird or odd about them the makes them special in their own way I guess you can call them oddly irregular.
You see derrick over there he's oddly irregular.
by oidrip June 5, 2018
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a backhanded compliment or at least that’s how I take it I just looked it up and it wasn’t on here so I said why not
oh he’s oddly fine”
by JEDRICO April 12, 2022
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Someone who doesnt realize/doesnt intend to make savage comments but does so subconciously.
On the loss of her virginity, L looks at his dick
"It's so small!" she says.
"What is???" he replies.
"oh, the condom"

(Ls comment was oddly savage because he thought she was referring to the size of his dick)
by sean patrick dolan May 17, 2022
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