when you crack your knuckles but not your nuts
ouch i crack my *nucks* but i am lucky i didn't crack my nuts
by luke minecraft April 9, 2021
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A person seen as a Knucklehead or someone that does not use common sense.
Lacks intelligence
Makes stupid decisions
Did you here what he said? What a nuck!
by NDNPayBacks October 2, 2020
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A dying goose being seen as someone hot. Could be used as a name, or a way of referring to someone.
He's a Nuck. OR. There's Nuck.
by bakedcups February 8, 2022
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Average heroin enjoyer and kirby game player
The other night… I saw nuck doing heroin in the back alley! Crazy shit man
by Swags :) January 23, 2022
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