Iranian and enjoyable girl!
noosha the queen of iran
by HasanAli September 27, 2007
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Noosha is the best kind of person to have in your life. She’ll always be there to help you, no matter the situation you got yourself stuck in, whether that be through listening to you vent about the same thing for the thousandth time or to help mother hen you into actually making your doctors appointments. She is very dependable and compassionate. She might be a bit shy at first, but once she warms and opens up to you (and you are very lucky if she does) you better keep there, at your side, for as long as she lets you. The humor alone is unmatched.
You're a Noosha if you “gentlypersuade your friends to consume the same media as you just so you have someone to talk to about a show your obsessed with.
by pls_dont_acknowledge_me November 23, 2021
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Short , cute , plenty of fun....She'll prolly overthink over everything from a random comment to her looks even after getting 3-4 Boys confessing to having a crush on her within a month...She'll give the impression of an innocent girl from far but upon really getting to know her you get to meet her other less known side and boy will you love it....*her*
She'll most definitely laugh over every little thing and her sense of humor is truly unique , like her personality.
She's Short , Cute and an Amazing person...Reminds me of Noosha
by relliknaip November 23, 2021
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A Noosha? , usually Showt , cute as fuck , fun to be with , innocent at first but rather the opposite when you get to know her , she'll have 0 self confidence and like a hundred insecurities and still get like 4 boys asking her out a month , With those looks she could have any boy (or girl) she wants. If you get to date/ be friends with such a person , do not ruin the friendship cause you will never get another one like her, Oh did i mention she's short and pretty as fuck?
She's so pretty , AND half the school crushes on her , she must be Noosha
by relliknaip November 28, 2021
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