Despite what the name might have you believe initially, this almost always applies to middle aged cishet white dudes.

(note that they don't have to be all of these to fit under the non binary funny guy umbrella but most non binary funny guys have these traits)

A non binary funny guy is a real life person,usually some kind of celebrity, who could be described as skrunkly or even scrimblo.

Non-binary people generally like to make jokes surrounding them treating them as a k-pop stan would treat their idols. They do this despite the fact that these people are just awkward white content creators/actors/etc.

It can be described as semi ironic depending on the funny guy and the person who finds the guy funny. There's no real concrete definition to this but it's recognizable when you see it.

examples include: jerma985 , Bob Odenkirk, Paul Dano (unfortunately) , Mads Mikkelson, etc.
"Holy shit jerma985 is so skrunkly"
"he's a non binary funny guy fr"
"he ate a shoe on stream he's so strange I love him"
by cabinet ass September 25, 2022
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A cuckold that does not conform to gender/societal norms. Identifies with having 0 "parts" and is asexual
My brother Alexander is a Non-Binary Cuck. I'm so happy that he is being his true self. It's extraordinary
by Imyourdadalex_ September 15, 2022
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Someone whose their spending habits and wealth expression do not align to their status assigned at birth.
Carinio: You can't afford 2 weeks on a yaught in Turkey?
Mariemme: Watch me!
Mariemme: Oh shiz, my card bounced. Ugh global capitalism just does not accept me for who I am. Why should not having any money stop me from living the way I feel! It is so hard being income non-binary!
by Curious Beast September 7, 2023
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