The most organized and ruthless online community focusing on the video game industry and programming.
Nitrate Gaming reins supreme.
by Anonymous mr.X May 12, 2011
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The human subspecies of "LiNo" (subscripts not included). The coolest mother fuckers known to existence.
Man, last Saturday Lithium Nitrate beat down Gabe at the basketball court.
by Jeffmastamax September 29, 2009
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This high-power laser is used by a CPS (see Carbon Proton Synthesiser) to imprint smiley faces on the protons of Carbon atoms. If this laser is aimed into the night sky, the dot can be seen on the surface of Neptune.
Invented by F.S.E.V
This Carbon Proton Synthesiser is not use without a Hydro-Lithium-Demerol-Amal-Nitrate Uranium Scrupulator, you idiot!
by Freddie.V February 9, 2005
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an offset of copium, if you're wanting to add to the burn. explosive in nature. chemical formula: Cp(NO₃)₃
Annoyed by your friends? Do they keep harassing you? Put a pinch of Copium Nitrate in their brekkie today~ Explosive upon the palate!
by PoopDeckSuperiority March 23, 2023
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