Someone who lacks attention,thus will do anything for it.
She is neurotic because she was ignored.
by Viall July 30, 2006
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An Epidemic.

Worse than the Bubonic Plague. A Mass Epidemic affecting Poor Urbanites and Socialites on an equal level. It leaves no room for Interpretation or a Happy Medium. Engaged in the complete malignment of one's sense of self and identity if there ever was such a thing.

By that definition, we are all neurotic, even the monks of the Himalayas who cater so carefully to their image of being oh so fucking zen. However, they didn't need to listen to 50 Cent to gain neurosis. Theirs was probably thanks to the mountain goats that sang their infectious and annoying tunes. Which is probably the reason they learned to tune out the world in the first place.
" God Laura, Can you get anymore neurotic?"

"The CEO became even more neurotic upon appointment".
by UrbanDreamer October 22, 2019
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-Not dependable
-Thinks he's all that
-Breaks hearts for fun
-Changes love from a beautiful flower to a withering weed
-A person who takes the slut instead of the goddess
-The only hippie to survive past the 70's
-A manwhore
-Stupid Pervert
-Lights aren't all on inside
by TheGoddessTwins January 19, 2012
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A spider that keeps popping up at frequent intervals. A coffee happy spider. Also means someone who has been working overtime.
"Hey man, lay off the work. We don't want you turning into Nervous Nigel."
by Volvo_Man January 6, 2004
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Post = P
Epic = E
Neurotic = N
Idiot = I
Syndrome= S

All men / trannys have it.
Wife: Do you have Post Epic Neurotic Idiot Syndrome?
Man: Yes, yes in fact i do. I have a severe case of it
by aMillionAsians January 30, 2011
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The definition of neurotic imbecile-

This was said by the girlfriend of a man who on the night of the 17/09/2022, when two imbeciles with severe lack of cognitive process decided to go out to the pub after work beyond the time they told their mrs.

They each earned the titles at this time.
You are both a pair of neurotic imbeciles!
by BecksG September 17, 2022
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Someone with extreme mood swings. A constant worrier. A paranoid personality. Someone who often suffers from extreme stress. Someone who can't cope in a social setting.
William Wordsworth's sister (Dorothy) was a neurotic person.The domestic problems separated Wordsworth from his beloved and neurotic sister Dorothy, who was a very important person in his life.
by pseudo neurotic schizophrenia November 10, 2013
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