A paraphilia, related to necrophilia, that involves a strong desire to sexually gratify one's self using a corpse, or a simulacrum of a body (such as a doll), that has died from eating an excess amount of spaghetti (or another related pasta). In cases where a corpse is simulated it is sufficient to place the face of the figure in a plate of pasta, as it is difficult to feed an inanimate object.
"So I was having a nice dinner with my ex when she passed out and landed right in her plate of spaghetti."
"Did you tap it?"
"Nah, man, I'm no necropastaphiliac!"
by The Voice of The People January 22, 2007
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A paraphilia, related to necrophilia, that involves a strong desire to sexually gratify one's self using a corpse, or a simulacrum of a body (such as a doll), that has died from eating an excess amount of spaghetti (or another related pasta). In cases where a corpse is simulated it is sufficient to place the face of the figure in a plate of pasta, as it is difficult to feed an inanimate object.
"So I was having a nice dinner with my ex when she passed out and landed right in her plate of spaghetti."
"Did you tap it?"
"Nah, man, I'm no necropastaphiliac!"
by The Voice of The People January 11, 2007
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