Having no ass, usually happens to people by the name of Divya. (May vary)

If you have this condition, doctors prescribe: Lass (Lots of ass)
"Oh em gee, have you seen Divya? She has SUCH a Nass!"
"I know! Nobody would want to gang bang her!"
"Poor child."
by Tayissya December 23, 2008
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Area between the nads and the ass
My kerchief reeks cuz I rubbed it all over my nass.
by Blake November 11, 2002
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A very talented pretty awesome person. Who brings joy to others. She can sometimes seem like a brat. Once you get to know her she's the sweetest person you'll know.
by turtletackler June 14, 2014
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also "nas"; exclamation used to describe surreptitious theft; usually said twice in a row: "nass nass!"
I scored me a 40 from that quickie mart when that fool-ass clerk turned his back. Nass nass, motherfucker!
by EmperorKO February 20, 2003
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Employed as both adjective and noun, 'Nass' is an insult used to refer to the recipetent in the most derogatory fashion possible. Most commonly applicabble to people of a fat, round countenance.
NASS off, you NASS!!!
by Rasammot November 2, 2004
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The act of performing cunnilingus on a girl by pulling the female's vaginal lips apart, then shaking your head violently and fully relaxing your cheeks and lips. Also, a sound effect like you are really going to town and getting dirty with this girl's vagina is welcome, and is almost 100% necessary for the woman's full satisfaction. Any saliva that falls out of your mouth while doing so is just added lubrication. Based from the character Boss Nass in Star Wars.
Dude, I just boss nassed that girl last night! She came within five seconds!
by athletics7375 August 15, 2011
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