“Drink Mine” is a wine-in-a-can brand, known to be consumed among people who are tired of acting like bottles. It's mostly familiar as “MINE” wine, and it helps you refresh old traditions.
Note: Chablis is chardonnay
It's Mine It's Wine.

Don't be a bottle - Drink MINE
by Drink MINE November 23, 2021
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The belief that any sufficiently large amount of data contains the information you want with probability aprroaching 1.
- I really wanted this study to proof that my saliva cures cancer, but it doesn't work.
+Have you tried data mining?
by Haniseeker December 11, 2016
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When someone is insulting or taunting a person. Or being insulted.
Arthur: Hey Camron! have you ever worked on AI?
Camron: Yes, I calculated 2 + 2 and got the answer 4. Isn't is AMAZING??
Arthur: Uh, my concepts of AI are very poor then.... lecture on AI for an hour.
Camron: Arthur is taking mine.
by CaptRog3709 May 4, 2019
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The prizes that your pets leave in the yard when they drop a deuce. Often you may not see them right away if you are not watching your pet do their duty. If you find the land mines, your shoes are likely destroyed.
Person: I need to take the dog outside for a walk in the yard.
Spouse: ok be careful, he planted several land mines in the yard earlier.
by Bostsox11 March 2, 2016
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