The saying playing the long game refers to active participation in achieving goals which may take some time.
Susan knew that all she had to do was wait and watch, and eventually her cruel boss would do something so bad she'd be able to report him. She was good at playing the long game.
His friends called it being friend zoned, he called it playing the long game, but she called it being a fuckboy.
On the show Supernatural, both Big Bads have been playing Long Games to fulfill their plans. We won't find out what the final result will be until the season finale.
by RenRen December 8, 2015
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Long Term Game, or LTG, involves planting the seeds for a hook-up long before you intend to harvest the fruits. As opposed to a one night stand, LTG is just getting your foot in the door, even if the plan is weeks, months or even years away from being completed.

LTG is often employed by women looking to ride the gravy train in life, locking up a wealthy older man who will take care of them.
"Are you going home with that guy?"
"Nope, it's LTG all the way. He wants me, but I am going to make him work for it and ring me first."

C: "I've got a great Long Term Game worked out. It involves a great spray tan, a sparkling personality and pretending to know about a variety of subjects so I can fit in with any social gathering. What man could resist?"
by HaterCaid April 21, 2010
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