life, a definition almost not definable. Life is full of disapointments, joy, hurt, and finally death but what does it all mean? no one can really answer this. Life is so meaningless! why?! why are we here? are we not suposed to do something other then the blue print our parents and goverment have planned for us? We have one life, one chance to do everything because it doesnt who you are or what you accomplished...death does not care and where all going to have the same faith.
by Ty-stein May 6, 2008
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The Ultimate Challenge to see who can be the next bill gates.
Guy 1:How's your life?
Guy 2:I'm half way to Bill Gates.
Guy 1:Lucky
by ice cream eater July 14, 2006
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1. hell
2. to extremist christians (aka everyone in MY life) it is "A time to glorify and enjoy God forever! Hallelujah!"
3. a piece of shit that is worthless and ends the way it begins... in a state of nothingness.
4. a time when you can just be atheist and have unclouded judgement.
5. not worth living.
Wow- I can't get a boyfriend. why is everyone unattracted to me? I can't get anti-depressants because i'm not 18 yet. I don't want to deal with this shitbag called life anymore.

*sigh* i'm pretty but no one notices.
by PhantomPhan April 18, 2007
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Life is a kick-ass cereal for people who are friends of the hooka
by evan corzine March 17, 2005
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an STD ur mom contracts and passes on to u. terminal. also, see bullshit
dude, life sucks ass, wanna get run over by a train?
by 379 April 5, 2005
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