A weird bug thingy that can lay eggs in your hair.
I'm not wearing his hat he had lice.
by boredashell May 14, 2005
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Bugs that live in human hair, plural of louse. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to be unclean to get them, you just have to come in contact with one of them. Common ways that lice are spread are through hats, combs, and any shared items touching a carrier's head. Their eggs cling to your strands of hair, making it relatively hard to remove them. Special shampoo is the best method of curing an infestation.
Junior had lice last year; he told me it wasn't fun.
by Titties McGee January 13, 2008
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Hideous fusion of the words LA and Ice, the name of an Australian soft drink. Resulted from attempting to talk way too fast while high on crack.
omggggg i need some liceeeeee
by funward May 28, 2008
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clearly a derogatory name for the police, as in poLICE.. especially when they are seen as threatening or when you are doing something midly illegal
"bah lets get out of here, the place is swarming with lice"
by Tom White May 18, 2006
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Lice are little bugs that live in your hair. Plural name is "Louse." They lay eggs that look like black balls with a clear tail attached to strings of hair. Usually very hard to get out. Lice are spread by sharing combs, clothes, pillows, beds, hats, hair accesories, etc. In the U.S only white people can get lice because their hair follocules are a different shape then Africans. Vice Versa. Pets and wild animals cannot get Lice either. Their eggs are called nits.
Stupid Lice, they keep running to a different area of your hair whenever i try catching one.
by heyheyheyy(: April 24, 2011
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A slang word used to describe people or a person that is annoying and makes you itch, People who annoy you and won't get of your head
They won't stop talking and their annoying as fuck, these niggas are lice bruh
by Three Pac October 16, 2014
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