when a human of the male variety hunts and kills a baboon and proceeds to skin the animal, he then smothers his romantic partner with the skin until he/she loses consciousness. Then, the male swiftly kicks said romantic partner in the forearm numerous times, he leaves him/her in an abandoned pirate ship surrounded by sunflower seastars for 3 weeks, eventually his/her consciousness returns and the dominate male proceeds to carry out the physical act of love with said partner, and then they both go to KFC for their fantastic deals on mashed potatoes and chicken wings
"what the hell? is that girl dead?"
"naw man! see? she's in a pirate ship, OBVIOUSLY she's involved in some hot katachinga!"
"oohh, man! i gotta ask kate if she'll do that with me some time!"
by katachingafreek69420 October 16, 2008
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