A reference to having sex. Often used when speaking of casual sex or times when sex could/should be done.

Also referencing the quick speed and lack of caution used when first inserting the penis.

Frederick Bartleby: Man, I'm going out with Angela tonight.

James Worthington III: Just throw it in.

Frederick Bartleby: You're right, I should just throw it in.
by Jeff Smoker March 12, 2008
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Used in a conversation, when you want to indicate that the previous statement you made doesn't actually matter and that the listener can feel free to ignore the previous statement.

Also, if you use the word "this" instead of "that", then it could be used to preface the irrelevant claim you're about to assert.

"Just saying" is a synonym phrase of the same meaning.
Margaret: Which of those two women over there is your boss?

Julie: The one in the pink dress.

Steve: She's really hot! (Margaret and Julie turn to stare at him.) What? I'm just throwing it out there.
by luvtheheaven October 27, 2009
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