A text language for "Just Having Fun". Usually it's at the end of a sarcastic sentence or a mean sentence.
Boy: Hey guess what?

Girl: Uhm, whut?

Boy: I'm playing COD! :D Wunna come?

Girl: Wow, sounds fun....lol! JK! JHF! XD

Boy: ...


Boy: Whut do you wunna do?

Girl: Uhm, idk

Boy: I'm so not gunna hang out with you after this..

Girl: >___> euuch...

Boy: Sorry, JHF
by LemonadeTea June 28, 2011
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Jesus holocaust fuck or JHF is an internet slang spread in the League of Legends community early 2021. It is an exaggerated version of WTF. It is used when something very unexpected or extreme happens.
A: Bro that veigar has just one shot me.
B: JHF!!

A: JHF!! I just made 3 million dollars on dogecoin.
by LordLmenPrala August 15, 2021
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