jasna tends to be pretty , popular & loved by others easily.
she tends to have nice style and a beautiful smile & eyes
renee : that girl is so pretty

vanessa : thats jasna!
by Ashley paul July 29, 2010
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adjective – showing or characterized by extreme amounts of awesomeness and pure sexual attraction.
That girl is not only perfect, she is also jasna.
by Frogbot July 19, 2010
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pronounced: "Jaz-na" a jasna is a small, hunched creature of goblin-like stature. usually quite awkward and oblivious and in some cases very hard of hearing. while generally stupid they are extremely tolerant. other features include a general lack of washing and a rather pungent stench, approach carefully, the stink is said to be very hard to get rid of. common habbits of the modern jasna include strumming a midget guitar and patting cats and being mostly annoying. the jasna experiences a condition quite similar to that of the 'fainting goat' in which when the jasna is excited she loses conciousness for a brief period of time. this eventually leads to brain damage. there is only one known jasna currently in existence at this time.
Interesting Person: "So what do you think about...(insert current topic)"

Jasna: ".................huh?"

Interesting Person: "Oh why are you so OBLIVIOUS jasna??"
by graham logan-hill February 1, 2011
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the pettiest person you'll ever meet. they will lie straight to your face and make up lies about you behind your back. they will talk shit about you no matter what, and then gaslight you into thinking they never did it.
cool person: "who is that? she's so mean."

other person: "oh thats just jasna."
by scalykoalafish December 3, 2022
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the pettiest person you'll ever meet. they will lie straight to your face and then talk shit about you behind your back. they will make up lies about you and then they'll gaslight you into thinking they want to be friends with you. they will turn themself into the victim and turn all your friends against you. people are only friends with them because they feel bad, and they bring out their own problems onto their "friends."
cool person: "why're u upset??"

other person: "that jasna girl. she's so mean and i didn't even do anything to her."

cool person: "she is really mean and she talks a lot of shit about you to me."
by scalykoalafish December 3, 2022
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