1. absolutely, for certain, unquestionably

2. truly, in reality

3. by all accounts
1. Kevin is indeen drunk.

2. Kevin's drunkenness has indeen caused him to slur his typing.

3. Indeen, Shockwave is ineffectual compared to Megatron. And has one eye.
by Omega Wrath March 6, 2008
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Indeen is a variation of indeed. It was first coined many years ago during a drunken conversation on a movie message board and adopted by the local populace known as Stooges. More recently it had successful trials in the real world and no suspicions were raised. This is the power of the word 'indeen'.

All plaudits go to Kev and his beer.
Person 1: Internet memes are stupid.

Person 2: Indeen.
by Stoogimus March 6, 2008
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Indeen is a variation of indeed. It was first coined many years ago during a drunken conversation on a movie message board and adopted by the local populace known as Stooges. More recently it had successful trials in the real world and no suspicions were raised. This is the power of the word 'indeen'.

All plaudits go to Kev and his beer.
Person 1: Internet memes are stupid.

Person 2: Indeen.
by Stoogimus March 7, 2008
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