If you miss someone a lot and are away from them, you can both listen to the same song at the same time, and you will feel a deep connection to the other person, you will imagine what they are doing and feeling. It is different than talking on the phone. Both people get a strange feeling of bittersweetness and connection while the song is playing.
I miss Andrew so much since he is in LA. We ear synch sometimes to connect to each other.
by Angelacia May 2, 2007
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Lame sss consultant-speak meaning to come to a mutual, general understanding regarding a topic or issue.
Frequently used by clueless Accenture employees when they don't have any clue as how to approach a problem, thus buying them some time to cobble a B.S. plan together.
Let's get together after this fifteenth unproductive cluster-F meeting and 'synch-up'.
by SnoopDO-doubleGizzle December 8, 2003
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More lame-ass consultant speak, typically used by Accenture and Deloitte employees, as mentioned above, meaning to catch up or meet with someone.
"Hey, Jaime, let's synch-up for lunch at Champps"
by Some Consultant April 20, 2004
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When two work associates randomly visit the restroom at the same time as each eachother multiple times throughout the course of a day.
Man, Ken, this is the third time we've bumped into each other in the bathroom today. I think we're "Pee-Synched".
by itcanhappentoanyofus August 27, 2009
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