what happens in the head of someone whos tripping balls
enter your thoughts here
dude im thinking
by dudeimthinking August 19, 2020
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An excuse to give to your friends when your so faded you fall asleep sitting up.
Austin (while filming): tyler are you sleeping?
Tyler (wakes up): What man? Im thinking about shit later.
by Tyler, Austin, Kenny, Max October 29, 2007
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"i think im fat"
"gurl shuddup ur beautiful"
by Sadly mad February 20, 2021
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I think I'm falling for you. You are always on my mind and I can't shake the idea of you out of my head... You make me smile every time your name pops up on my phone, you make me laugh by saying the wierdest things, you have a perfect smile, its the best thing ever, you are absolutely perfect to me, you make me fall deeper and deeper everytime you text me, look at me, or just by being you... I am falling for you and I don't know what to do, what if I keep falling, but you don't catch me? Id hit the ground hard, and I would be broken forever... Im falling for you, will you catch me before I land?
person1: I think im falling for you will you catch me?
Person2: I'm right here baby
by I think I'm falling for you January 13, 2018
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It is a term of believing in yourself and knowing you are the shit! A quick comeback! Knowing who you are and never letting anyone tell you different! Be you! Do you! And you will glow like no one else!
Girl: man... please you aint shit.
Guy: Well ummm... your mom thinks i'm dope!
Guy 1: yo! that's sick dude
Guy 2: I know right... your mom thinks im dope!

Guy1: Man u hit last night
Guy2: naw man
Guy1: Ahaha I knew it!
Guy2: shutup! It's all good.. Your mom thinks i'm dope!
by your mom thinks im dope December 7, 2013
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When somebody is about to steal they will yell this sentence.
I think im about to steal” with a camera pointed on his face
by SirIdiot October 18, 2020
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A phrase said when your girlfriend wants to break up with you but doesn't want to hurt your feelings but on the inside she hates you deeply
Girlfriend:I don't think im ready for a realtionship

you:I know what that means just fucking say whats wrong with me

by Mr.Edmentia April 15, 2022
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