IDE also known as Integrated Development Environment is a software used by programmers to compile, run and debug programming languages such as Python, Java, C/C++, etc.

The best IDE's are made by Jetbrains (Not a sponsor) but you can use other companies with their own IDE'S such as Eclipse.

Examples of IDE's are IntelliJ IDEA for Java, Pycharm for Python, Code::Blocks for C/C++, Visual Studio for C# and Visual Studio Code for other languages.
I used this IDE to run my Java code
by that one old code August 19, 2022
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Imminent Death Syndrome.
To Bring Death Upon One's Self.
ie- I Am Going To Slit My Throat.
Jord has IDS, be nice to him.
by Melissa June 12, 2004
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Id have your money.
by OgLexie December 12, 2015
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Id want that!
by ALOHA WHO DIZ March 31, 2017
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The word "id" means "I'm Doomed". For example think you are playing games with your friend/s and someone is attacking you and you have low health,so you say "I'm Doomed" because you are about to die so..
*you are afk
Friend: Oh no!
Me: *afk
Friend: Someone is attacking you!
Me: Ok i'm back
Me: id :(
by IIidkwhattodowithmylifeII February 24, 2018
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This is a shorter version of “idiot”, the root for the word “id”. This is for those whose vocabulary usually consists of some form of insult toward another.
Insulter: *mumbles* You id…your so dumb…
Insultee: I'm not an id!
by PersonWhoIsSomething-Lizterine January 17, 2005
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