An official moderator for the App store application known as "iFunny". This moderator is the only official personality that works with the user community. This moderator is biased and acts like a poon/douche. Accepts some and rejects others.
Dude, why are you acting like an iFunny Chef right now?
by LE GM BAUS June 26, 2013
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One of the most hypocritical moderators on the app called iFunny. He supports bans on people for posting offensive posts/softcore porn yet some of his posts are developed the same way. Quite prejudice.
Person 1: Bush did 9/11! You dumb niggers! I really like porn xDDDD
Person 2: You're acting just like an iFunny Chef, quit being so ignorant.
Person 1: BAN! BAN!!! BAN HIMMMM I'm CRYING ;(
by OwOewe May 26, 2015
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