To awake someone by kicking them similar to what occurs to many homeless people.
"Is he still not up yet? Go give him a Hobo Wake Up Call!"
by Elliot Offen Jr March 7, 2017
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Pertaining to another's monetary Hypocrisy. To suggest to another person that they make a significant monetary contribution, donation, etc. in concert with their strongly elucidated philosophical belief, when they claim that others should do so instead of themselves.
Rich Progressive California Liberal: Man, they really oughta raise taxes on the rich to pay for that (insert absurd program with which government should not be involved.)

You: Hey, man, you're rich, so why don't pay some additional taxes to fund the boondogggle?

RPCL: Hey, I pay my fair share

You: Hobo up, motherfucker
by knukles April 14, 2014
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A person who acts like a hobo around there friends but is really the pimp of the group
Look the hobo pop up pimp is in the room let's go hang with him
by Shreksmommy February 26, 2023
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