Parents that hover over their children, hawkishly "helping" them face the college learning scenario. It is debated whether or not parents that hover are good or bad for their child's overall development.
Jan: Are Jane's helicopter parents back in town this weekend?
Judy: Do you really have to ask that question? They're ALWAYS in town for the weekend.
Jan: Poor, poor Jane.

Jan and Judy weep for Jane's sad existence.
by Mike Grant November 5, 2007
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An overbearing parent who treats all who interact with the child as if they will most certainly make a mistake and cause their child harm. As "helicopter parents" hover around the child to ensue the child is guided, the attack helicopter parent obsesses over any who come in contact with the child.
Tim's kid asked if I had candy so I gave him a stick of gum. So Tim starts raisin his voice about the kid's diet. Tim's one'a them attack helicopter parents.
by Danny Soto December 22, 2018
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What a Lazy parent calls a good parent, one who watches their children
Clay was very attentive with his child on the playground, he ws often a helicopter parent at birthday parties as well.
by DrizzlyLyon September 9, 2018
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