hectic: Characterised by intense activity, confusion, or haste

serenity: state or quality of being serene, calm, or tranquil

heckrenity is created when hectic and serenity are combine
a description of a moment, person, party, lifestyle, traffic, psychotic state

the balance between a hectic lifestyle/moment and a serene one.

can be used as an adjective, verb or noun
happiness means the perfect balance between a hectic life style and a serene one.
ie: when you find a place of peace at a crazy party
-being in an overly crowded mosh pit (hectic) listening to a calm and (serene) song.

adjective: A hectic (heckers) party: she's a heckers bitch
verb: she lead a heckretic lifestyle
noun: the heckrenity is a good balance
by summerfresh April 3, 2011
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