HK, sexy kunt, great hair, strong, tank, gets the bitches, swagger and just perfect
Woah Hany is just perfect.
by gsdgersge December 2, 2013
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A 'Hany' is term that has expanded over the years to mean; professional person/s who refuses to retire while practicing poorly in there respective field. These individuals lack the motivation to practice diligently they also have severe deficits in emotional intelligence. This term originated from Toronto, Canada and is often used in Mid-town areas to describe people who dishonour there work. This problem was first noted in the roaring 70's as the Canadian city developed a large populous due to an influx of professionals globally. Densely populated urban areas often experience culture shock and other culturally related issues.

A Hany (also known as a Ibrahim Hany) often take on the role of an internationally trained physician. internationally trained persons hold qualifications not completely consistent with Canadian standards. This often leads to subpar performances in a multitude of categories. One large focus is emotional intelligence. The Ibrahim Hany can often be seen yelling at patients, abusing the secretary, refusing to do anything that their patients request. The Hany has a god like complex with a paradoxical cowardly complexion. They often have poor reviews, angry patients as-well as poorly trained staff that are unable to get jobs anywhere else. The staff that work with the Hany have the intelligence of a can of beans and the esteem of pubescent teenager. These individuals have the professional credentials of a fruit-fly and diligence of a turtle.
Hagi- "Brother, why Don't you do surgery or be engineer instead.. i know very good 3 year surgery residency"
Mother of hagi- "please treat my son, he needs your help"
Hagi- " i think surgery is better, you don't want to only write prescription all day"
Hagi mother- "MY SON IS ILL"
Hagi -"ok fine how about you become engineer. You know i will be doctor... i wont take english prerequisite though i will charm the admissions people ;)
by Pseudophed-head April 30, 2023
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A foreign bastard.
He touches his employees in his mind.
I need 50 Teen Burgers ASAP! EEE
by X_2_da_Z April 18, 2005
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homewrecker; sleeps with every guy that she sees
-“I can’t believe Kristy slept with my husband
-“Wow, she really pulled a Hany on you”
by AllShadenoTea June 4, 2019
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The most kuul kid you meet he is a goof when he needs to be but also chill at times . The thing about Hany is his pungent farts. If you have Hany in your class room than you are in trouble. Hany is a god but also a man who loves and hates Godzilla
by All seeing 3ye December 19, 2018
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associated with Hany. He is a rotound meat tube with triple z cup breasts. (Thinks he is da most fully hardcore Leb around... even though he is egyptian.) It actually means Hey Bro, but he says it too quickly, also has other sayings such as YA SIROS (as in you serious) and OR MA GORD BRAO (as in oh my god bro.)
Hany, get out of the bin, food is on a plate!
by Neo August 8, 2003
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I believe Neo's post was supposed to define the word Heebaa. Hard luck.
Hany said 'Heebaa' and the crowd went wild.
by Crackabum August 12, 2003
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