When you only smoke half of your usual amount and then smoke a little more later on after you've come down to prevent getting too high
"You wanna smoke halfies now so we can smoke again later?"
by lil danks January 29, 2018
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Halfie is the name of a VERY lovely person :3 halfie is THE BEST BOI and everybody loves him

halfie is also an e-gurl
A: how’s it going?

B: ITS GREAT :DDD I’ve been with halfie today

A: OMG SO COOL, halfie is the best

Name Halfie is a person named halfie (or halfdan)
by TihiUrKindaGay151cujd November 6, 2023
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When a person is half Japanese and half white. And then claim that they are Japanese. When really in fact they are just a dirty abomination.
That Horii is a dirty halfy!
by Joe Mana November 29, 2011
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