A diluted mixture of rum that originally included sugar and citrus juice. Slang associated with it is "Tanky", the server of it. Served in a "can" no matter what the vessel was. It was discussed in its water to rum ratio by compass points and in numbers, north being pure rum and east being water. The authentic recipe is so short and excellent, I'll give it to you:
Grog 1:4/four-water
half cup rum
pint water
1/8 cup sugar
" " lime or lemon
"Five-water grog? Give me some more northing!" (north = more alcohol)
"Oi! Tanky, me grog can!"

by Sir Joseph Porter October 6, 2006
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A drinking game where players attempt to shoot multiple quarters into an ice cube tray and drink from a community cup called "the grog."
Wow, I'm still not in the six club. That was a rough night of grog.
by Isaac M. September 12, 2007
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The art of love making in the ass, involving mud and ants.
I saw Jesson grogging Santa Claus under the mistletoe last night.
by Tony Fishrino December 16, 2004
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A term used when something left behind or"lost" is collected and placed in "lost and founded" to be reclaimed for a small fee.
I left mace at the tarvan and returned to find it had been grogged in my absence.
by thwickedninja May 27, 2020
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That feeling you get after getting home from school and falling asleep in your warm clothes so you wake up all sweaty and groggy like your in a different dimension
"Oh fuck im so tired ive got the grog. My body hurts"
by C.T Tracy December 21, 2022
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Keen to get sum grog?
by Diego September 20, 2003
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The action of releasing a grog (farting).
Im grogging like a maniac!
by Q tip May 27, 2006
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