To Greenmodel is to be a corporate whore who prays on those who desire to do the right thing by being green.

Some companies are driven by the greed of those who are determined to exploit modern movements aimed at solving environmental problems. These companies are lead by the renewable resource industry (like windpower and home energy audits), and are wet with the blood of the earth as it seeps with infectious fury like chunky milk from the teats of a cow on hormones.

Like the term globalization, greenmodeling is a good idea that now has an evil corporate connotation. Corporate whores of the Greenmodel type are common in other industries, but now being "green" means bathing in tainted profits if one associates with these companies. With slogans like "It Pays to be Green", you can pick out those with only their own benefit in mind; it pays them for you to be green.

The Greenmodel Movement merely models one's life around those who have sold more than their labor to corporations; these people have misled us all and have forsaken personal values and constitution for personal gain. Their efforts are not driven by passion for their work, but by their own gluttony. In this way they have sacrificed OUR values at the corporate alter of greed.
Many a corporate whore, like Walmart, carry with them an incredible amount of douchebaggage. Many of these blood sucking fucktards have made true green globalization an incresingly difficult goal. Asslickers, like those who Greenmodel, lick ass so furvently because they are losers that suck so bad at being good humans that they must lick the ass they are kissing.
by G-Money-G February 6, 2010
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