Ruin your friends day and send them Chapter 20 of Given for all of my anime fans out there and we all must know how horrible that chapter was but Akihiko did nothing :D
Enjoy destroying your friends with Spam your friends with Chapter 20 of Given day (June 20th)
by KattySopia October 31, 2020
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Perform an action given by an individual or group that is stupid or embarrassing.
Hey, did you hear that Joe had eat the shit given.

What did he do?

He started jacking off in public when he was told it was cool or something.
by mak3 April 19, 2021
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The act of fornicating in a food manufacturing setting, typically in front of several people.
I was given a Steve while doing my hourly rounds.
by happydontcare October 6, 2014
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To be given a packed lunch and put on a special needs bus
That guy is needing to be given a packed lunch and put on the happy bus that has stickers saying please refrain from licking the windows!
by GGG.A.L May 20, 2024
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Puke, barf, blowing chunks, losing cookies, vomiting, hurling,
After that last beer AJ couldn't keep it down and left a huge pile of givener
by Big O's Fuel Sluts September 5, 2008
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