(v.) To either avoid beer altogether or to actively pursue an enthusiastic appreciation of it. Actual suitable application of the definition is in the eye of the beerholder.
Hey, I thought you were going to lay of the brews for awhile?

Yeah, but no worries, I decided to be smart about it and just get tough on beer, cheers.
by mhibma September 19, 2005
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What this means is that when faced with difficulties and adversity, those who are mentally and physically resilient do not give up, but formulate an effective and disciplined plan of action which they initiate and carry through to a successful conclusion.
"Despite getting stuck with the fallout from Malcolm's fuck-up, Nick got everything sorted inside of a week!"
"Yeah, when the going gets tough, the tough get going."
by AKACroatalin April 3, 2015
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When the situation is difficult, it's time for you to show you can make it(the brave person acts).You face the difficulty, you don't run away.
Anna lost her job and her boyfriend dumped her for her best friend. She carried on. When the going gets tough the tough gets going. Three monthes later she was in a better job and going out with a really nice guy.
by Leonardo Manduca Sales November 6, 2007
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When facing adversity, some individuals rise up to meet the challenge. This antonym of a more well known phrase describes much the opposite—a person who cannot handle pressure and crumples (buckles) in the face of hardship, frequently leading to their own failure.
"I would say 'when the going get tough, the tough get going', but even though she studied for weeks, when Anna went in for the final test, she totally blew it."

"I'm not surprised, it's Anna after all. When the going gets tough, she buckles like a belt."
("When the going gets tough they buckle like a belt used" when in a sentence may include pronounces, or a name instead.)
by AmraKamra May 7, 2023
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