high functioning and low functioning are both common medical term which are actually very harmful to use.

they're often used to measure how easy disabled people are to interact with and not actually how their disorder affects them.

when someone is labelled as high functioning, people assume they have no struggles whatsoever, so they don't look out for them. and then they might have a meltdown or burnout because they've had to push through those feelings all of the time.
and when someone is labelled as low functioning, people assume they're stupid or something along those lines, so they baby low functioning people. even when they're full-grown adults!

(when i use the term "disabled" i mean anyone who is affected by a learning disability or anything similar, if my usage of this term comes off as offensive, just know that i apologise, but i am saying all of this as a disabled person, so ofc i wouldn't use that term to purposefully harm anyone!)
Person 1: so you have high functioning autism?
Person 2: on the outside that may be true for you, but on the inside life is very difficult for me, so i'd prefer if you didn't force functioning labels on me and just do your best to support me instead.
P1: oh crap, sorry man, thanks for explaining
by eboybur June 11, 2022
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