Its when you think you have a fart but instead, "Surprise" it turns out to be a dookie. A fookie
Please don't fookie in my bed.
by Ekid February 16, 2013
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a negative name to call someone
you is a fooki
by McCool93 November 4, 2010
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god damn nub. fucking rookie.
Collector is a fookie.
by jehbud April 22, 2003
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Nick name for Fookleyur Fooky Fook, of The Foo an absurdist writer and minor Usenet legand.
Fooky's new story will be posted on Ode-Differ-Us.
by Captain Meat September 14, 2011
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Fookie bookie is the nigga that ain't no one want to see. If you see him you need to beat his ass.
Guy: if I see that nigga fookie bookie, im a beat his ass , not having his bull shit.
by not fookie March 6, 2014
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A nigga that’s really fucking lame , or a big pussy, could also be a snitch.
Damn Daquan’s fookie bookie ass keeps talking all that shit but won’t run up
by October 14, 2018
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