the perfect gf, Fjóla is the smartest most beautiful human being and deserves the world, she might be a bit obsessed with celebrities and bad tv shows but makes up for it by just existing and being her own cute self :D
person 1: ugh I wish I had a Fjóla
person 2: I have one and she is perfect.
by Finn i guess October 9, 2021
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Fjóla is the most beautiful girl you will ever find in the whole world. She is a perfect, loving girlfriend and an amazing soulmate. And also a great friend. You can always trust her with all your secrets.
Hey can i tell you something very private? And please don’t tell any one!

Yes of course, I will never tell someone this. I swear to God with all my life.

Fjóla is very defined!
by Yeaaaaaaaaassssss03” January 7, 2023
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A strong woman with great fashion sense. A future leader who listens to her people and is one with them. She gives no effs on haters bc she knows she’s on the top. Anyone would be stupid to not be her friend. Her sex game is immaculate and the best kisser ever. Don’t worry if she will fail. That’s not a thing in her vocabulary. Her experience makes her the best option to vote for ;) Maybe a bit to egotistical but all she cares about is the people she talks to, her friends, the people in her grade and everyone that talks to her. She would do anything for them anytime. Trust her with your life bc she can safe you, herself and everybody around you.
You know Fjóla? Yeahhh who doesn’t!
Who are you voting? Fjóla duhh
by Emojisaedi69 November 22, 2021
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