Similar to False Hustle in its blatant vomit inducing cosplay, False Leadership is typically seen in the work place, specifically in company meetings, emails with many people cc'd, or over-thanking people to their superiors.

The main goal is to portray one's self as a great leader, specifically in the eyes of their bosses.

It elicits rage from people who witness it on a consistent basis.
*In a Weekly Team Meeting*

Carly: I had Neil run some data tests for me, and then had Ignacio compare them to the other dates.

Neil: Ugh, false leadership. My JOB is to run data tests, I did them on my own accord. We have not spoken in 2 weeks.

Carly: *Looking at her boss Mark* Neil, that work really helped the team alot and helped me with my presentation. Thank you.

Neil: Kill me now.
by Mike109999 February 12, 2022
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