when someone goes to the refrigerator, chugs the last bit of milk only to realize the milk has expired...
Phill raced his younger brother to the fridge so he could chug the last bit of milk...only to realize it was expired and sour... his younger brother said dude i am glad you took the expired chug and not me.
by reno49er November 20, 2009
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when someone drinks milk very quickly on the day of the expiration date
Person a: what happened to that gallon of milk in the refrigerator?

Person b: Oh, I gave it an expiration chug, so it wouldn't go bad.

Person a: Good thinking!
by deez nutz81 July 11, 2008
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when drinking milk you though was going to bad on a certain day, but you learned that day was some time ago.
Person: "Uh oh, my milk is going bad today!"

Bob: "Well give it an expiration chug!"

Person: "Gulps" "Dude, im thinking that was a post-expiration chug"

*Loud Barf"
by nOmega November 19, 2009
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when drinking milk you though was going to bad on a certain day, but you learned that day was some time ago.
Person: "Uh oh, my milk is going bad today!"

Bob: "Well give it an expiration chug!"

Person: "Gulps" "Dude, im thinking that was a post-expiration chug"

*Loud Barf"
by nOmega November 19, 2009
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